Saturday, September 28, 2013

Read the tea leaves what Chinese leaders are encouraged to think

Top 10 books recommended by Chinese 中央委員會 to all high-ranking government officials. Probably not all Chinese officals are just ideology-preoccupied. 1. 苦难辉煌 2. 激荡三十年 3. 曾国藩(上中下)4. 毛泽东的读书生活 5. 一个大国的崛起与崩溃(共三册)6. 中国经济专题 7. The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century (In English by Thomas Friedman) 8. 中国共产党历史(第二卷)9. 中国震撼 10. 历史的轨迹

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