Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Henry Ford, a monomaniacal auto industry icon

Just watched 2-hour PBS's coverage of the biography of Henry Ford, an auto industry icon. He rose from a farmer's son to a billionaire in 1920s, controlled 50% of US auto industry, sold car at $850 when Ford's rivals sold the car at more than $2,000, raised worker's daily salary from $2.40 to $5.00, reduced assembly time per car from 13 hours to 1.5 hours by his innovative assembly line, rolled out ubiquitous T-model at 1,000 cars/day (later to increase to 10,000 cars/day) and many other measures that transformed U.S. from sprawling farm livelihood to clustered urban livelihood. But to my surprise, Henry Ford was also featured by his acerbic anti-Semitic remarks, his egoist bigotry, his constant bullying his only son and his high-handed clamp-down against labor union. God never had any intention to create a perfect human being.

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