Thursday, April 25, 2013

Trip to China

Just came back from 2-week tour in Taiwan including 5 days in Beijing and Tianjin. It was an indelible trip to China. 5-day trip to China included climbing ( or even scrambling) steep Great Wall (居庸關長城), visiting sepulchral subterraneanemperor mausoleum of Ming Dynasty (定陵 in 明十三陵), immense Tiananmen Square(天安門廣場), imposing multitudinous imperial edifices in Forbidden City (紫禁城故宮), dignified Heaven Temple (天壇), engaging Summer Palace (頤和園), riding high-speed train from Tianjin to Beijing, experiencing short ride of Beijing subway from 青花瓷車站, enjoying the delectable 全聚德's roasted duck and 東來順's dip-and-boil mutton, strolling casually on the wide and car-free 王府井大街 and its adjacent crowded and bustling night market (東華門夜市), watching face-changing show and son-et-lumiere KungFu show (功夫聲光秀), riding tricycle to wind through the rabbit warren (胡同) in Beijing, staying in the luxurious 5-star hotels (St. Regis in Tianjin and Sofitel in Beijing), swimming in their garden-esque swimming pools with simulacrum starred canopy, riding a horse wagon amid the quaint colonial buildings (馬車遊第五大道) with the background of high-rise skyscrapers in Tianjin, sipping coffee in the exotic Italy-esque street(義大利風情街) in Tianjin, in-person experience of BirdNest and WaterCube in Beijing, first-time experience in the "shopping-encouraged" pearls, tea-leaves and silks stores with flabbergasted price tags. One of the eye-catching scenes in Tianjin and Beijing is "high-rise cranes are everywhere". It is probably not surprising since China consumes 53% of cement worldwide. Very pleasant first-time experience in China; all sunny days, no sandstorm, non-repellent air quality and reasonably mild temperature.

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