Saturday, July 13, 2013

75 years with 33 Nobel Laureates

In the last 75 years, probably only one institute can attract 33 Nobel laureates (including Einstein, Oppenheimer, von Neumann, 楊振寧, 李政道) and 2 out of 3 of the honorees of the top math medal, Fields medal, i.e., Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton, NJ; only 20-minute walk from Princeton Uni. and 15-minute drive from my house. I wonder how long this kind of basic research can last. Their research will not see applications for probably another 100 years while corporate CEOs only focus on the balance sheet quarter-by-quarter. This institute is lucky enough that 80% of the operating expenses are funded by income from the $5M endowment in 1930. It is hard to envision the institute's nondescript buildings can house so many bright minds for more than 75 years.  

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