Thursday, July 25, 2013

flipped classroom

翻轉教室 (flipped classroom) has become a buzzword in the recent education reform.  It has already shown impressive results in some areas of the U.S.   Clintondale High School (a financially disadvantaged high school with 75% of its students need government-subsidized free lunch) near Detroit has become a commonly mentioned school to show the incontrovertible merits of 翻轉教室 as illustrated in the attached figure.   Aiming at this promising out-of-box 翻轉教室 and its huge futuristic market, many start-ups with strong financial backup have actively pursued the "adaptive learning" platform.   The readiness of adaptive learning platform will undoubtedly facilitate the development of  翻轉教室 and make MOOC (massive open online courses) much more useful and popular.
Obviously, any new technology will inevitably go through the so-called "hype cycle" as shown in the attached figure.  Hopefully, in the years to come, when the 翻轉教室 can be slowly adopted, probably it will sluggishly reach the stage of "plateau of productivity".

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