Sunday, July 21, 2013

A pensive President

35 years ago when Obama entered an elevator, a woman subliminally clutched her purse, simply because of the ingrained racial profile: "Black guy is likely a bad guy". This was what a pensive Obama felt during his improvised informal press conference 2 days ago. Racial profile is widely believed in the recent cause celebre of Trayvon Martin case but racial bias is a very high bar in criminal case which, unsurprisingly, led to George Zimmerman's acquittal. Racial profile, in my opinion, is inevitable because of the lurking humanity's superiority complex. "Black" insinuates "crime", "Asian" alludes "quietness", "Hispanic" connotes "laborer". The world can never be an utopia and, in terms of competitiveness, will never be equal. All we can do is to seek social justice and never hesitate to show what we really are.

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